My 8 year nephew is different and no one is able to tell exactly what?
Everything is real and everything is bull crap.
Received random money
What’s an NSFW tip you know?
Newbie, starting on Monday
Messed up so many times, but ate my first home grown, made a nice Cream of Mushroom soup
Issues a boaters license without ever taking test
18F I wish men on this subreddit stop using it as a dating app
What company are you in?
Carnivore for inflammatory bowel disease? Advice needed
What’s the most useless thing you still have memorized?
Easy ways to get Xanax ?
Yet another argument for agar over multispore
New players needing help
Back to growing
Any idea?
Mini AIO Bags! These are 2lb all-in-one bags with one pound of grain and one pound of substrate. The easiest way to break into gourmet mushroom cultivation. Use code REDDIT10 on our website or Etsy shop
I saw these small points that were not there before. I’m assuming it’s mold because I can’t think of my agar transfer causing this. Any thoughts?
Cat suddenly turning aggressive to her kittens and people in household.
[General] okay to sleep in same room as cultivating?
[Gourmet] I don’t know what’s coming out of the holes of my Chestnut mushroom bucket
Which section would you take a transfer from?
In the market for Agar Slants? I have MEA Culture Slants available! 10 for $10. Without wood, with wood, or half and half. Check them out on my Etsy Shop! (Link in comments)
My first p. natalensis agar plates. Wow! [actives]