Do westerners truly know what Japan did to China during ww2?
Carti selling 100 billion units first week
Trump Orders US Military to Plan Invasion of Panama to Seize Canal: Report
And now the Wombat kidnapper is blaming the Government…
Now that the album is out . What we thinking first week sales are gonna be ?
If you could give one piece of advice to Donald Trump, what would it be?
I think the age of America being a global leader is over
Album outtt
Don Jr.’s apparently considering a 2028 run
Elon accuses a Mexican Billionaire of aiding Mexican cartels and then proceeds to have Starlink contracts in Mexico cut
China declares support for the EU
Rate his look
How are you dealing with vandalism?
The United States will cite "radical leftist oppression of pro-annexation MAGA Canadians" as grounds for invasion of Canada, Russia and US will tag team the NATO response.
Guys is like Donald trump gonna be the anti-Christ?
Why did Trump get relected?
A written account of Donald Trump visiting Tokyo in 1990
Powerful image from 47s first cabinet meeting. Who is in charge?
Trump's new Gaza just got announced (yes this is a real video he posted on Instagram)
Trump is weakening us, and he's setting us up to get absolutely railed by China in 2027
Saagar says Charles Q. Brown, the four star general is a DEI hire.
Macron interrupts Trump and corrects his bullshit about aid to Ukraine live in front of journalists
Macron appeared a bit perplexed today with Trump
New from President Trump on Conservatives winning the election in Germany: