In search of help looking for a Matte Black PETG and was wondering what is a brand you use /is worth getting this a good brand mabye i should get sunlu ?
Some landlords are using A.I. to illegally coordinate rent hikes. Here’s what we’re doing about it. - A.G. Jeff Jackson
Helly Eagen is Helena Reagen
Friendly reminder, if your subscription renews after the 21st you can already cancel Apple TV+
Does anyone know why this happened? Halfway through the print the nozzle started scraping against the print…Thank you if help!!!
Switching from x1c to xl
Apple Intelligence - anyone else completely disappointed?
Rough exterior on print
ABS is my new FAVORITE thing to print on the core one!!
How much do you sell your bars for?
MacOS 15 Sequoia Bugs and Issues Megathread
Is the XL print quality as good as the MK4S?
Layer shifting prusa mak4+
S2E9 was one of the best "putting the chess pieces into place" episodes in TV history.
Core One Side Wall artefacts.
North Carolina Governor Josh Stein to deliver his first State of the State address
Has Anyone Gotten their Hands on the Core One?
Prusaslicer 2.9.1
Should i switch to the XL from core one kit?
‘Welding’ plastic together
After finishing upgrade to MK4S this thing went flying while printing. Where should it go?
USB drive seems to be fixed after secure wipe
Trump obsesses with tarriffs
Top Albums of the 1980’s - Rolling Stone
Is my dataset size overkill?