Do some clients make you yawn more than others?
When Clients Talk About Their Partners
Looking for a name referring to God's timing?
What happened to Psychology Today?
Broke AF
Little me would be so proud of me being a therapist.
What do you do other than see clients? Thoughts on sustainability in this career.
What's the #1 book that you would recommend to fellow therapists?
Therapist for a therapist….
Couples therapy
Omg idk how some y’all do it
Do any other therapists struggle with finding a therapist?
i'm so broke, is it just me?
Many of my clients are federal workers in DC... the compassion fatigue is real.
Can I just say, it feels so good to finally figure out your "niche" and ideal population!
How to address issues with my own therapist as a therapist
Podcasts by therapists for therapists recommendations
Insanely Discouraged
What issues do you see most often, which you believe are due, at least in part, to social media?
Lost power WednesDaily
What name do I look like?
Baby name the same as the cat?
I just got diagnosed with PCOS. Any advice for meds, diet, lifestyle changes, etc?
The name of the nicest person you've ever met.