A breath of fresh air?
I recently graduated OBGYN residency and counted my hours.
When Baboon goes to a drag show
Mrs Midwest - performative or genuine?
Manliest Matt rants about halftime and the audacity of women to do anything but reproduce
Happy physician anesthesiologist week!
How do people manage to enjoy life while working full time?
This feels like a lot of resentment that has been building up has come to the surface
Countdown to baby is on - 16 days
Which doctors have you personally met whose last names seemed perfectly suited to their specialty?
What was the scariest city you’ve ever been to?
Karissa is so sick she went to the ER but still has energy to take selfies with her seriously ill child.
Baby/delivery plan update from newsletter
PA Complaining that they are being used the right way
For all of the ER nurses out there at Triage ; what chief complaint(s) bother you the most?
"My husband's not gay, he just struggles with SSA."
What daily torture do you live with ?
I’d rather my baby suffer than take her to the evil hospital
Guess Heidi is giving $15k plus some to the griftathon this year
Psych NPs stopping people in residential treatment from seeing real doctor
The (definitely not white-washed) Collins Kids /s
What colour are my eyes?
Dale has ideas about gender roles that aren't even popular on Twitter
Jill jump scares to kick off the (soon to be) new year!