Why do dumpees or people who rejected you later reach out to 'check in'?
She’s still active on tinder after 3 months
What on earth should I do with this alcove?
Finding friends
Chat did i cook 💔
I'm so traumatized pls help ASAP
No Contact IS the answer
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
When did you realize you've moved on?
AIO? I went through my bestfriend's phone without her permission.. she's 17 he's 26
In what ways did you lose yourself?
Just found this and I'm reeling
You may hate me...
The first of many pictures from our Bioshock-themed wedding.
Neutered and feeling Affirmed
I've gotten perfection and this is how I feel about everyone :)
Do we think this is what Neil Lagorio’s puppet suit might have looked like?
you wanna get back with your ex til you get back with you ex lol
y’all, what’s ours?
Different variation of the VA question--Who gave the best vocal performance in a scene?
Anyone Else Read the Bioshock book?
What Bioshock opinion would have you like this?:
What Transformers opinion would have you like this?:
AIO dude on a dating app got mad because i didn’t respond for a couple hours because i’m sick?
Time to be sad again:)