When i lose 3 games insta -500 every game, if i win 7 in a row +100. seems fair.
[RECRUITING] [20000] #2VJVVGCCU club name Cleopatras Sons👑
how much is this worth?
My forever glock has now been made - Thank you for you help and guidance :D I spent a total of 675$ and a LOT of hours to perfect it.
Does anyone know which Falchion Emerald pattern is the best/least smoke? Has anyone looked through em?
Losing points in a draw like this is criminal
I am about to buy the Glock that I will craft on, but I want it to be perfect, how do I know which emerald patterns is best? No guides or nothing I can find
Unboxed this Five-SeveN | Heat Treated, Blue Gem Pattern: 259 WW (what can i expect to get for this?)
[RECRUITING] [25000] #2UR2RJ08L club name Dringene🇩🇰
Worth it??
I'm about to make this insane craft. I am deeply in love with it but i cant decide which one to do. Would like to hear your inputs. Thanks :)
I wanna buy a nice vaporwave m4, but i dont see any cool crafts and i feel like at has a lot of potential - have you guys seen any nice ones? im currently running a purple theme on ct
Denim set with short sleeves. Help!
What do you think I should focus on? And what changes should I make right now?
Ain't no way...
When does SD2 release?
Madness, that damage output
Please help find this denim set
[RECRUITING] [29000] #2UR2RJ08L club name Dringene🇩🇰
First gig preparation
Favorite Surge skin so far?
Just maxed out this guy, HE’S INSANE
How are you guys liking Juju
Is spike fixed yet? For me I didn’t get the bug