Only 19 days left for your voice to be heard for the NRA Board election
Only 19 days for your voice to be heard for the NRA Board election
Found a dowel in my shotgun mag?
NRA Board Election - the reformers need your votes
NRA Board election
Blinded a TSA agent
"Why do Humans drink Fermented juice?"
Rethinking the Second Amendment
NRA Board meeting update - spoiler - LaPierre reelected as EVP
Update on the NRA Annual Meeting and 76th director election - spoiler - I lost (again)
Rob Pincus podcast on NRA election
Nra Board election results
Running for the 76th director again
Allen West answers the call to challenge Wayne LaPierre
Draft campaign to get Allen West to challenge Wayne LaPierre for NRA EVP
Final call for NRA voting members to send in their vote
Update on the NRA Board Election and recent news
NRA Board of Directors Ballots are out
Creating "Credible Messenger" NRA Certified Instructors for the National African American Gun Association
Frank Tait for NRA Board - on Guntalk with Tom Grisham
I'll be on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk Radio today just after 3pm eastern
Riding Shotgun with Charlie!
Endorsements for Frank Tait for NRA Board
Ammoland NRA Board recommendations