Accept that you were not CHOSEN
Which was worse, liz death or Enzo death
Students in their 3rd and 4th years, how many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Who are you bringing back?
Who would you wanna spend 24 hours with?
Who's your man?
Would Katherine ever feed on Elena?
armes women’s bathroom
In love with him, it sucks.
What do all these things have in common?
What did Katherine just tell Elena? (wrong/hilarious answers only)
HATE this hoe
You have $40 to build your dream team. The rest will be trying to kill you. Your life is in your hands.
What’s a movie you can watch over and over without getting bored ?
You own the planet Jupiter
Which liar would you butt heads with the most in the core four and why?
Husband and Wife Swap‼️
Let’s be honest, Damon is the reason why TVD still holds a special place in our hearts
George Law and Order SVU
What helps you fall to sleep when your restless?
Is there a name for that ominous feeling you get when you wake up from a weird/dark dream in the middle of the night? And why is it only dreams can trigger that feeling?
once again ~ what is a secret that you cannot tell anyone/ could ruin your life?
Favorite Villain?
This is Katherine and Isobel right?
What's an opinion which would have the whole fandom looking at you like this?