You are offered $500,000 but only if you go into the last video game you played as the main character at the start of the game. If you survive a full year you get the money.
Stroking your poop through toilet paper as it comes out is underrated
When trump talks about Canada becoming the 51st state is he joking or being serious?
Atheism is clearly a form of religious thinking
How is this even possible?
Help! I can’t decide — 1 or 2?
Which Character Did You…
Why Does Trump actually want Canada?
Conservatives hate anything that helps working class people
am i the only one who has a really ugly farm
What would be the worst Non Marvel/Dc superhero world to live in?
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
I was curious if Christians who are proponents of Evolution attempt to persuade their literalist counterparts to think otherwise. Do you believe that biblical literalism is more of a threat to what Christianity stands for or secularism?
Yes, “just use birth control” is a valid an argument against abortion and no, women are not oppressed by the current state level abortion bans.
What is the story behind your username
Are Americans really as divided politically and based on values as the media would suggest?
Americans of Reddit, what are your thoughts on Trump wiping nearly four trillion dollars off US markets in just a single day?
Jesus Would Stand with Palestinians—Why Aren’t You?
Congress members should unionize
I need proof for political violence in America.
Why do Americans butcher the saying “I couldn’t care less”
Atrioc is giving Elon/Trump way too much credit
Are these games worth buying?
Which of these games on the picture are a 100% must play in your opinion?
Many things can be true at once. Trump is a man baby, the left has TDS, the right is compromised by Russia, the left is a self-loathing extinction cult.