Drop your north node sign and house and I will give you life advice in Yoda style
You vs your mom
Which band or singer has many songs that always sound the same?
I was tired of habit apps, so I made this guy – keeps me accountable.
What is your Mars/Jupiter Sign, and what type of person are you attracted to?
“Hack” for becoming a creative genius
World's biggest secret out
Does anyone know if “het Eethuis” on the van Goorstraat will reopen? It’s been closed for a while and I can’t find any information anywhere
What do you think, Taureans?
I dont know how to fix my social anxiety. I been getting worse over time.
If your ex suddenly came back and wanted to talk, what's the first thing you'd say?
Taurus: Where are you?! Why can’t we find you out and about easily? How can we find you if we wish to?
Your thoughts on Taurus man & Scorpio Woman
Verdriet en angst na verhuizing
Zijn er nog mensen zonder kinderwens, die niet willen trouwen en ook niet willen samenwonen?
Building a solo life, no partner, no children. Is it possible?
Verhuishelp gezocht in Arnhem (eind januari)
Nieuwe sociale contacten
Waar vinden wij mensen?
Hart luchten
Mario Party Lenen
My life: Gaat het slecht met mij? Stel ik me aan?
How to deal with heartbreak if you thought you found your twin flame?
Is it ever a good idea to start dating someone you aren't physically attracted to?
Why do my girl friends only talk about guys?