Tips for drinking more water??
12 weeks in, and now the vomiting starts?
Since a lot of you are having a hard time picturing Rhys..
What if there was a movie set in the Predator universe set in prehistoric Japan?
What temperature do people keep their homes at night?
I had 12 patients last night. The scariest part? Admin called it "normal staffing."
[acne] why do i ONLY break out right here?
Feyre moved on... but what about me?
Women who cut off a "nice guy" friend after he crossed a line, what did he do?
Got this yellow sofa as a gift and I hate it but I can’t get rid of it. Any colour suggestions or anything would be appreciated
AITAH for humiliating my husband by leaving his family party, because I will always teach my kids that no means no?
AITAH for checking out of my relationship after my wife said she wished I had a bigger dick but we don’t always get what we want
AITAH for embarrassing my wife in front of her family with a comment about our sex life
Recommendations for a friend who can’t afford her car; can’t afford to be without one.
What industry are you in that allowed you to make 80k in 3 years or less?
AITA for telling my boyfriend it’s weird he uses his hazards while breaking in traffic
What discontinued food do you wish they brought back?
What to do in Anchorage
What advice would you give to your daughter in her early 20s?
AITA for telling my wife she needs to apologize to my mother and I agree that she will not be giving her step-grandson for his birthday this time.
Question for Seward Highway drivers.
Single 30ish yr ladies w/ no kids - what do you do on weekends for fun?
AITA for hiding my large net worth from my boyfriend of 8 years while he paid for everything?
What’s something simple that can actually kill someone accidentally that isn’t common knowledge?
I was just forced to do bedside report. In the NICU. In a room with just baby no parents