My first book has been out for a month and has gotten no sales despite using Amazon Ads.
Comment acheter une bâtisse historique, la rénover intégralement, le tout en ayant 20 ans et en Alternance ?
Cumuler Chômage + Revenus SARL/SAS
Idées suicidaires à cause du SPM, comment se soigner ?
Achat d'un appartement avec gros travaux : opportunité ou galère ?
Advice for building out personal website?
5th Book Cover : Sigh
Publishing a book series
Alexa Donne
Feedback needed on my cosy fantasy blurb
Which cover is better? MM romance
Advertising and marketing advice ?
Any recommendations for a Fiverr or up-works person to market my children’s books?
17% of indie authors earn more than $2,500 per month
Vanity press/hyrbid/P&D deals - ever worth it for business writing?
Great Books with no Marketing Effort Don’t Sell
Chandler Bolt and Self is bullying people who write bad reviews about their school.
Daughter is looking to edit first non fiction book.
Just Published My First Book – Need Advice for Growing as an Author!
Stop boosting your Facebook posts—it’s throwing money away.
I'm worried my book will be impossible to sell/market because it doesn't satisfy a niche or genre. Any advice on how to fix that?
Overwhelmed and Discouraged
You have to be rich to publish
How to increase my Newsletter subscribers?
Est-ce qu'un graphiste qui utilise l'IA est un arnaqueur ?