Please help me find UK or European alternatives to Pepper
Fit check and affordable recommendations for petite 28c/d in UK??
UK Pepper bra alternatives?
What's a NSFW tip or trick you wish you had known in your early 20s?
AIO? Does my bfs tattoo look like a nazi tattoo?
Help: How can I strengthen my fingernails?
Do I stay where I am now or go more junior but pharma side?
Looking for a perfume that smells specifically like Herbal Essence Chamomile
Every single one of these doors I have ever delivered is for an Asian customer. Do these doors have some sort of Asian symbol in them in the design which is why they’re popular with the Asian community?
The Beckhams celebrating David's new BOSS underwear campaign (via Victoria's Insta)
What's your holy grail UK makeup product thats totally worth the hype?
What non-perfume products are you in love with for their fragrance?
Question on adapalene vs. Tret dosages
Have you ever smelled a perfume on a person that was very bad?
is it possible to sign up now for the resale?
Found in different sub
What is the most intense physical pain you have ever experienced?
Found this dress at H&M and I swear my boobs are tiny but look at what miracle it did
DAE smell women around them?
What cosmetic procedure do you regret getting?
Seeking brown mascara? -My recs and commentary.
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charlotte tilbury recommendations
Episode 12. The Weddings!
After many years, what commercial still lives rent free in your head?