Modders trying to no include swastikas (100% impossible)
The concept of sin in Zoroastrianism
An Independent California
What Races Will I Made To The WB After The Update:
Nevada Flag Redesign
He shall guide us
A Zoroastrian (left) and Muslim woman from Persia in the late 19th century.
Why did Louis Philip call himself King of the French instead of king of the Franks
person pulls gun on preacher
What dumb/fictional books names units could create in worldbox? Some themes are Family, Stewardship, Warfare, Philosophy, History, Economy, Diplomacy and Behaviour. Upvote the best
47th president of the United States
Ok, who was the Monarch when you were born?
Ok who was president when you were born?
Why Did St. Augustine of Hippo Argue For Private Property?
Lybian demonstration in supporty for stability and the Monarchy
What is the greatest animated film of all time?
Why would God allow 70 Christians in Congo to be tortured and beheaded?
Looking for a good show about Royal Family's, conquest, and intrigue any ideas?
Kingdom of Salomon, Israel if Ethipian monarchy ruled
What does the IC and XC mean?
Question for my fellow Christians!
What is white and black flag with the shahada and sword underneath?
What Is Your Opinion Regarding The Crusades?
What's your guys favorite Bible verse