22 years later… Still one of the best looking 5-series ever.
One of the best moments in Initial D
I’m not from the US and see a lot of incest-related jokes about Alabama. Why is that? Is there really lot of incestuous relationship happening there?
A friend (25F) of mine (26M) just said this and I'm afraid I don't get it
Was planning to replace a hose. Ended up replaced 5 of them.
Connect to E-series using K+DCAN Cable?
Which Tokyo airport do you like more: Narita or Haneda?
Any ideas what could cause this
Uji coba rudal buatan masyarakat
Rebuilt The DISA Finally
Need Advice on Our First House KPR
They will never build cars with such beauty anymore
I want an F30 so bad but I’m scared (mostly from reading this forum.) advice needed.
17s are the perfect size.
Drove into huge puddle (~15cm). Now it won’t go to reverse. How f—ked am I?
Indonesian Music
Is Jetstar really THAT bad?
whats causing this?
Barang apa yang lu bener bener ga boleh pelit?
Saham US & Indonesia pada anjlok, kalian beli apa? kenapa beli itu?
And that’s a wrap. Finally got it all working together, from soft close to rear MID. (See if you can spot all the goodies :)
Komodos who already an adult, what's the teenage days you see around you that you can't relate with?
Folding rear seats retrofit. Not difficult after all.
Pemotor tolol
Tim yang gk pernah kasih duit 2 ribu ke pengemis, pak ogah, pengamen