This giant Maine Coon I got to hold at work today. He is super sweet! The best boy! I have permission from his owner to share.
What were you unreasonably afraid of growing up?
Whos the most famous person you've ever met?
potential serial killer analog horror (real).
What's a good insult you heard without curse words?
Just about to get into the hot tub. Caught a weird peeping Tom! UK
Is my pug okay? I just picked up a pug someone was trying to find a home for on Facebook. Now that I have her home I’m nervous about her head shape and size. She is tiny but they said that she is 10 weeks old. Maybe chihuahua mix?
Am I unreasonable for expecting CSRs at an ER hospital to be able to tell if an animal is potentially unstable?
I can't be the only one who listens to creepy stories to fall asleep.. Can I?
What song comes to mind when you see this image?
These cool rain drops on my windshield today
Something Weird is Happening with My Mother's Twin Sister
What’s the most gruesome on-screen death you’ve ever seen?
Ghosts when and where did you start to believe
Sadcat has his appointment tomorrow morning, it's time to see if he'll take the bait! It's some stinky smelling wet food, so I'm hopeful he will like it - I will update with results!
What’s a social norm you find strange or unnecessary?
What TV show absolutely nailed it's finale?
Can't figure this one out
Started making this coughing sound a day ago. Hasn’t stopped since and no emergency vets are open. Any ideas what to do/what’s causing this? :(
Did I just see my neighbor's 'wife' after 3 years... or his hostage?
What kind of smell instantly takes you back to the past?
What's something you only understand if you have lived it?
Wedding appropriate?? I never do weddings and always wear black… help me.
Looking for unconventional name suggestions like Red40, stove, etc
Can 5 year old child's bone not break when car runs over it?