Have they started laying track for the CaHSR?
Harris performance was pretty solid overall considering that she didnt get much time to run a campaign
Why is land use next to Metro still so bad in so many places? Is there anything we do as citizens to help?
Good morning Angelenos.
People who have ridden other systems (NYC Subway, London Underground, etc.), how do they compare to LA's?
Five new Throne restrooms now online at Metro stations
Over 40 minute gap in A Line service today, unexplained by any service advisory
What do y'all think about the new trains? Do you prefer them or the old ones? Are there pros and cons to both?
Metro Staff Appreciation Post
Y'all's awesome frames
Keychron Q3 Pro is out. It’s beautiful.
Lugia Raid on me, 8683 1037 6948
Friend Me Pokémon Go
High Plains Gifts & Gifts
nihilego raid on me 6077 9082 6186 or 5847 1176 6747
Weather boosted Deoxys on me. Taking 7-10. 5979 2781 2206.
Deoxys Raid now 9933 9850 2991
Deoxy raid please be online
Regirock raid 10 players 1525 7743 6969
Hot kyurem raid first 5
Add me for gifts: 3638 8754 7410
Darkrai 2278 5724 6442 ASAP
Darkrai raid on me! My FC is next to my username at the top
Darkrai ! Please be online & ready
Darkrai on me! Adding 10