BPI reviews-long time users
I’m new—and read the pinned post—and still have noob questions! Any advice please :) any experience with Farmakeio?
FD doesn’t want to test, just wants to go by symptoms
Why don’t Doctors prescribe vitamins and minerals alongside medication?
Having massive MCAS flare—what helps acutely? Consider ER but afraid
At the end of my rope—having terrible systemic symptoms, SIBO, PCOS, MCAS, dysautonomia, please help
POTS/dysautonomia from SSRIs?
Does ozempic/tirz/wegovy help metabolic syndrome *independent of* weight loss?
LDN for the treatment of anhedonia and emotional numbness/depersonalization
What is this plant called? Located in California
Is a daily dark chocolate bar dangerous due to heavy metals?
Real estate agent shop window poster
Does magnesium rbc test adequately show a deficiency?
DPDR/Atmosphere Feeling?
Vyvanse not working since ketamine therapy
How common is it for ketamine to cause cognition problems and do you keep going despite these issues?
I have no emotions anymore, can ketamine help me?
I finally found something that's resolving my symptoms!
Improvements with treating insulin resistance?
Has anyone tried vagus nerve therapies?
Vagus nerve stimulation
IV Ketamine for relief? Why not?