I recently landed a job at Stripe and wanted to share the interview prep that worked for me
Is Stripe FAANG-tier? (Just landed an offer + my interview prep strategy)
Convert notes into quizzes and automark them
How to monetize prompts?
PDF to Flash Card
Converting my notes into flashcards automatically
Turning my book notes into questions automatically
How to study ?
Quizlet alternative
Self-promo Thread — Promote your Notion content here!
Anyone figure out how to make notion style spaced repetition flashcards like RemNote ?
Converting notes into Flashcards automagically
Converting notes into flashcards
How to convert notes into flashcards automagically
Creating quizzes automatically
best flashcard app? (android)
Converting my notes into questions
How I convert my notes into quizzes
Using AI to convert my notes into quizzes
Converting my notes into questions automatically
Meet Yip, your AI question generation pal!
Where do you get your quizzes from?
What would you say are the hardest struggles in Excel