How's using Orca Slicer with Prusa XL?
I am extremely disappointed and frustrated with the Prusa 5 tool, and no, I am not the only one.
I need your feedback, should I put these non-FDM tools on XL Toolchanger into production?
It’s Friday! And I need your feedback, should I put these non-FDM tools for XL Toolchanger into production?
Printables welcomes everyone 🧡💙💚❤️
My MK3s Prusas still going strong to this day. I have never anticipated so much life from this machines that has 3D printer parts as structure.
PSA: Prusa (Printables) is linking their new "Open in OrcaSlicer" downloads to a fake site.
A machine I made to make concrete & fiber optic lamps
We just launched Prusa EasyPrint: Slice on Your Phone, Tablet, or Laptop! I have some invites for r/3Dprinting 🧡
Prusa EasyPrint: Slice on Your Phone, Tablet, or Laptop! (Early Access) - Original Prusa 3D Printers
Thanks Josef, new Printables Online Slicing Feature
Has anyone compared filament-pm with prusament? It seems that filament-pm is somehow a source of material for prusa and they even have the same orange for PETG, and pm is available locally for me, have you tried it?
Using gpt4o to detect print issues from a snapshot
Old smooth pei sheet. rejuvenating with acetone
I’ve been waiting years for this prototype 😇
Very new to 3D printing
AskPrusa - Minimal and Nominal chamber temp in material settings
FedEx: Never again
This is why you should buy a Prusa
Core one is 3 hours behind compared to Elegoo Centauri and BBL X1C?
DIY Nozzle camera for just $10
Is this legal??
The Benchy Drama is Over!
Will the Buddy Camera for the Core One eventually support a live video feed rather than just a picture every 10 seconds that we can view on prusa connect?