Why is there no Kingdom Invasion possible against the Byzantines?
Who would you suggest to form Rome as?
I’m worried abt the mongols anyone got advice
Why is Pyrrhus considered one of the great generals, particularly by Hannibal, when on paper he seems fairly incompetent?
Best Start for Custom Character?
How do i increase marriage accaptence by just a little bit
Granted Co-Emperor Independence… he stays my Co-Emperor?
How realistic are ruling mechanics?
Is it worth it to buy GTA V in 2025
How do you deal with succession crises in CK3?
Who would win in this hypothetical war?
Conqueror Trait Can Be Passed Down?
Is the Caspian Sea shrinking at an alarming rate?
Day 0 - Let's start a game, what the comment with the most upvotes tells me to do in my game, I do
Shh… Don’t Tell My Wife
I think I like this game too much
How did I win this fight so convincingly?
Fuck you, Poseidon. GG.
Which book is more highly regarded by historians--1491 vs An Indigenous People's History?
Absolutely brand new to this...help
When the Pope calls his friends, but nobody answers
Is there a way to save this as is and then keep playing it with Ironman?
Creating a new Christian Faith in the 1300s and after mending the schism?
Bro you're in the dungeon