Help half of screen keeps freezing
Hello My monitor is glitching whenever I connect it to my laptop, please help?
Goodbye homepage (kinda), welcome glance!
I Built a Home Server! Here’s Everything I’m Self-Hosting So Far...
Girlfriends "battery box"
I finally made my own react web SSH app! If your interested in this projects development, please visit my repo and try it out for yourself. See comments for more.
Investing is not rocket science...
What to do after BCA, I'm somewhat unclear... here's why
Python based Telegram Bot to Clone Google Drive Files and Folders to Personal Drive or TeamDrive(s) | Supports Service Accounts
(TV Show) Media File Renamer [Electron, React, Python]
Install Telegram, Watch most of the movies and tv series just by searching its name and year and download yt or Spotify songs.