What videogame is this from?
My Elden Ring character
Let's settle this right now! Who sang it better? Whitney or Jasmine
Was watching Final Destination 5 when something clicked..
I carved murkrow out of wood
What is the best sonic OST
What's your highest global/world ranking for a Pokémon?
What location would you like for season 4?
Soundtracks That Fit in Stardew Valley
Conya Doss - Don't Change
I need help to find this pop song from the 2000s (I think)
What Degrassi About??? Wrong Answers Only.
I'm tired, boss...
Holly J was not a realistic character
You can't always get what you want... 🙃
Gran Turismo 5 - Suite Dreams
Slow Jam Erotica
Tosa from Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
What are we naming this guy?
Sonic Rush - Back 2 Back
I'm creating pixel art of the Queen City! Here's my first piece
Does that mean that Mikhail Gorbachev is cannon in the Mario universe ?
Type your deck name in the comments, everyone else has to guess what pokemon you use
What other shows can make one feel as intense?
Best Line on TWL so far?