What is everyone maxing to Lvl50? I have 0 lucky pokemon
I am really hating these 3 hour "community DAYS!". I will be busy at this time. What do people who work do??
But All Kubfu Bad
Who should I evolve this into?
This games got jokes. Professor will be happy
It’s been over a year now… please give us a way to give the origin forms their signature moves
This is getting exhausting 😢
I didn’t have it in me to take down this gym.
Keldeo not being a part of GO Tour is Total Crap
Socal Edison make it make sense!
These spawns are amazing!! Alot of rare and useful mons
Give him a nickname! 😍🌈
Finally made it to my stardust goal!
Does a star piece work when claiming these rewards??
113108365063 add me.. I am a daily player
Where to dump these?
Good sushi with a good price
Why do I only get Sh!tty IV Dialgas??? I haven't caught a 90+ IV Dialga. Level 46 player
I think I got lucky today.. what do you think?
Serious question: Why don't we get specialty Ultra League cups? Like Retro, psychic, willpower. Why are they only Great League or Little Cups?
Gastrodon looks a little different than I remember
My top 15 mons are all over 4000 CP now. What's your strongest Pokemon?
Poor guy didn't realize this is no longer Little Cup
How do we feel about the changes done?
Top GBL Teams for Master League