got his sister who lost custody of her kids a mothers day card but not me
1 successful potty wee day 1 no success 3 days later
Recently took on custody of my brother but he's very challenging and I'm at a loss of how to parent him. Wondering if he'd be better in foster care.
relationship breakdown with a child can i afford to live?
What did your first week of potty training look like and how did it go?
What do you need to YELL INTO THE VOID?
Son hasn't peed all morning? Day 2 bottomless potty training
Tesco seat of shame.
Have you been shamed for breastfeeding?
What is your breastfeeding unpopular opinion?
Does anyone ever think about how screwed their kids would be if you were to suddenly pass away?
People who are going through hell right now, what is it, that is keeping you going?
Am I overreacting, baby had an accident?
writing a reflective essay and 1 more paragraph away from crashing out
Remind me: How does Daylight Savings ruin our lives this time?
2 year old’s had a ‘funny episode’ hospital don’t seem to know what it was? uk
NHS Dentists
2 year old vomited decent amounts 5 times in 2 hours
Still grieving my mother in law's death even though we didn't get on (TW death/grief)
I’m going to be father and I’m absolutely bricking it - can other parents share any advice?
Will It Suit Me?
Do you explain death of a friend to a 2 year old?
San Fransisco... Lily wasn't selfish
Classic stories that aren’t boring?
Thoughts on these cakes?