Ye planner follow krlo chup chap se or zero to 600+ le lo
does anyone else eat their sandwiches like me
The silent patient
Thoughts on this
Legit or Quack
drop yo screetime
Don't mind me, just posting my car /s
Holi gift a reddit user sent for my oranges ^_^
Bathroom wall art MCAT edition
Don’t join MBBS.
Today, I celebrated Holi at the office in a white suit.🤍
Where can I recreate this pic in pune
Paani Puri or Dahi Poori? Which one do you like more??
Do it
The Metamorphosis, My Take
My Princess Fiona Sun Bathing ❤️❤️❤️ My heart.
It’s Monday, and thankfully half over.
When you’ve wished a book were longer…
🥸whats that one sweet you cant say no to ? i’ll go first…
Scared af🙃
Tru hai kya ?
Pimpri is not Pune and we should stop saying we live in Pune.
Bought a Honda City as my first car.. and my friend dented it within first week
Pune's Drunk Brats in a BMW—Where's the Law?