(Update) My Partner Won’t Let Us Combo Feed
i don’t want to do it anymore
Just came to say I am blown away
Partner Won’t Let Us Combo Feed
Husband hurt my feelings
I thought it wouldn’t happen to me… but so many of my friends and family are buying off-registry :(
Hospital bag ?
Sex second trimester
AIO my partner of 3 years forgot Valentines Day and my birthday
Show me a picture of your cat, and I’ll draw ‘em!
What three words would you use to describe your pregnancy so far?
Tell me you’re in your third trimester without telling me
Which symptom in your pregnancy do you dislike THE MOST?
AIO about my wife not wanting me to shower my son?
What's the weirdest thing you've discovered about your partner only after moving in together?
What smells bad, but kinda good?
4w and nearly bed ridden - normal?
Surprisingly few appointments, ultrasounds, and tests in third trimester
Pregnant Cat owners- are you still cleaning your litter box?
How did you cope with the weight gain?
Baby must haves?
My partner says he feels like I forced him to become a dad
With the direction the show is heading and the decisions characters have made, what is the one thing you think is a real possibility of happening which wouldn't have been the case before?
Please be brutally honest please