AIO my subordinate spent 600 strange coins on exotic rocket launchers
What game is this to you?
Things you can in a massage session but not on a first date....
How do I turn off my work brain when I touch my SO?
Mann VS Mann, next, which videogame is about Man VS God
Earbuds while massaging?
Male clients w/o underwear
Jaws unfairly demonised a generation against Sharks, can you think of any other films that have done anything similar.
Peculiar pain referral
6 years locked ☀️
He's reached new levels of power
But folks were laughing at him not getting a cabinet seat.
You just made a mistake in game that ended with you killing yourself. What does your ghost say to you when it revives you?
What are your thoughts on the c*ck chair in Eris' apartment?
Screw zodiacs, what exotic do you main
I know the Godsmack Logo one
I really like the sense of challenge, danger and mystery that has returned with Heresy. Destiny didn't feel like Destiny before.
Super Bowl Boycott 2025
I was being silly when the game asked me what my favorite thing was. I forgot I said this.
Get ready, boom
Hidden Costs of Traveling for CEU's
What kind of growl is this?
Mountain Curs in the snow!
Let me turn your username into an AI image
Hardest hitting hand cannon?