I kinda gave up on building a full gun locker but I tried my best
I finally got it
Who experienced the most painful death?
What is the hardest headbang to a slipknot song you've done
Which album should I listen to first?
My dad is gonna be angry
If you saw my last post you'll know
What’s that one song you consider a perfect 10/10?
Who do you think is objectively the greatest singer of all time and then what's your favorite
What’s the first movie you think of when you see Steve Buscemi?
What should I do with this guy
Great hall today
Is it bad if my former abuser is the closest person in my life now
What Your Favorite Band Says About You:
What was your first will wood song?
Frying Pans
What song should I walk out to
So I have this jay Funko pop
Saints and sinners 3
Question about the story
I got the man in black's Funko pop