Doesn't she look familiar?
Generation 9 Starter Lines Design and Theme Speculation
When Game Freak?
Floral Themed Shaymin 🌸🌺☘️
To save the world from devestation
Thoughts on the video? Personally, I would love it if Florges was the final boss!
Is AZ Somehow Also Inspired by Odin? Did he lose of his Right Eye, and if so, did he do so in the pursuit of the Knowledge of how to bring back his Floette?
PM2023 088 - The White Zygarde Causes Shock Waves! Episode Discussion!
Mega Fire Pig Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Z-A
Pokémon Legends Z-A will be the first Main-Line Pokémon Game Rated by ESRB as E10+ for Fantasy Violence. What do you expect will happen in the game to justify this new rating?
(OC) Concepts for Kalosian Regional forms of Meganium, Emboar and Feraligatr in ZA
My daughter really loves Pokémon, and I need help.
it’s time for me to start saving up again
I know people have gravitated toward Jett being Colress's Relative, but I don't know. She looks a lot like Hoenn Elite 4 Member Glacia to me, which makes me think of a Mega Evolution that Needs to Appear in Legends Z-A
For All Those Who Have a Soft Spot for Chikorita
For the Chikorita Appreciators
What Do You Think About Vinnie? Doesn't he have too much Flare on him?
Since the Bring Back the Fedora Swag for Boys Seemed to Be Somewhat Controversial, Here is the Version for the Girls. Serena already had one on her Anime Design, so it should be business as usual, right?
Doesn't this New Pokémon Character Feel Very Courtney Coded?
Is Pokémon about to Revive the Fedora Trend?
Theory About this Promotional Match Announcement Scene
Before Brendan's EX Sun eventual debacle (or success?) in the face of May's situation tomorrow, let's talk about Legends Z-A a bit more. So, How Do You Think This Is Going to Be Adressed by DeNA?
Saw the Escher and Palkia Post. Now, I present you Get ARRIVALED by Dialga
How are we feeling about this potentially final Mightiest Mark Starter Line-Up?
If you didn't realize it yet, this is Something Fun about the Protagonists' Relationship with Urbain and Taunie