why dont yall respond/talk
Poorly diguised fetishes
Having a severe trauma disorder is extremely cool! (Apparently)
With Arcane’s finale yesterday, was curious what tumblr was up to
idk maybe if your “source” is a fictional rapist you shouldn’t associate with it?
My old simplyplural
POV: Your Friend is Fishing For You to Ask About Their Alters
Pre-system awareness bs
A faker I haven't posted in months is mad I told her (minor) friends she's a pedophile.
“Drinking and passing out” in headspace
Pretending to Have an Addiction is "Quirky"
This is too perfect to not be a troll post
ALIEN, 3D printed and painted. (1/10 scale, Designed by 3DKłos). Paint scheme inspired by Big Chap's design.
Doing drugs in headspace (and pregnancy too!)
These Alter Intros Are Something Else
Endos in a heated debate. 💀 [Ft. Tulpa cringe]