coming to the realization it isn’t healthy
Wandering eyes?
What NOT to do as a Dom?
i get triggered when he says other people are hot
Am I too old, is it weird at my age to sh?
feeling ugly
need help calming anger after confessions.
Found pornstar list on bf’s notes
losing grip on reality
I need tips how to handle my GF that has BPD.
gut feeling knowing when they are doing it behind your back ??
My partner claims he never masturbates
is this worth fixing and trying to get them to change
just need confirmation and validation
Don’t believe shit
Has anyone found something pleasuring besides drugs and alcohol?
Does anyone ever... fantasize about being in a mental hospital?
im so tired
feel so disgusting
trying to figure out if my partner has an addiction
advice/ tips on finding comfort by yourself
i feel like i should break up with my boyfriend for his sake
Is there anything I can do??
not sure if partner has an addiction
The AUDACITY of some people 🤣