What should I name her? I have 3 boys and a male dog, so she will be filling the role of my daughter.
This sweet girl is a former puppy mill breeding mama and is being fostered by a friend. Any guesses? I’m thinking some type of terrier, but I’m not sure. She is little, maybe 8-10 lbs and a sweetie.
As the years go by. Me at 7, 15, 22, 37, 46, 56, 59.
Best shape of my life after two kids. Consistency pays off!
Why do even very short women insist on dating men over 6 feet?
Taylor Swift from the age of 18 to 34. When did she start getting work done? And what year did she look the best?
Tell me what US city you live in...
What states should I visit as a Canadian?
When did you begin to LOVE your puppy?
My 11 year old son loves Tyler’s music. He really wants to go to his concert in March. He will be almost 12 by then. Is he too young? Would it be completely inappropriate to take him?
Day 2 of trying to get a comment from all us counties!
Day 3 of Getting Every US County From Comments
jen’s insta post from highschool
Well I’m 46; you’re probably 26
Please help
Was your college experience actually like the show?
Let’s Settle This (Day 1)
My Queens, out of curiosity, how old are we?
Which of these make celebrities do you find to be overrated and don’t get the appeal?
Everyone that rarely gets sick, what is your secret?
You can only listen to one of Taylor's Top 40 current popular songs for the rest of your life, which do you choose? You can still listen to the rest of the discography only Top 40 is affected
I’ve had my dog about 6 months. Everyone assumes there’s Beagle in there. Any ideas of the possible mix?
Just a Demi wedding day look appreciation post.
If you were rich and could pay for one person's therapy in Lost, who would you pick?