You can go 5 years into the past, or 5 years into the future - which do you choose?
Who did you admire growing up that you're now disappointed by?
When did you first realize you were attracted to women?
How does interest work?
Do you and your friends seem to have the same amount of money?
How to glow up as a men?
Who’s an actor/actress that you can’t stand for no good reason?
S&P 500 Investors. Is this the perfect time to buy the dip and add more to the portfolio?
Who is ur most hated good player?
Is "Get up" the worst show ever made ? My god even in the background it makes me mad hearing it. ESPN is horrible nowadays.
What is your weekly alcohol consumption? Has it decreased as you get older?
The Day of the Jackal
Best Season 1 Finale?
Want to watch a new show - The Sopranos or The Wire?
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, March 07, 2025
43M Roast Me like they do on other subs.
What is the best documentary you have seen?
What is a phrase you say often?
What goal are you making progress on?
If three non-sequential terms as President are ruled constitutional, why wouldn’t Obama run again?
Fellow 40+ men - how many push-ups can you complete in a single set?
People in their 40s, what’s something that people in their 20s don’t realize will impact them as they get older?
Worst show you're watching now?
What is a movie or TV show everyone loves but you couldn't get into?
for people who have visited the US from other countries, what shocked you the most?