Holding water/drinks in my mouth for too long before swallowing
Autism nest?
Everyone thinks I'm autistic, but I disagree - need opinions
my father's reaction to my diagnosis
DAE struggle with figuring out discomfort vs pain?
What small "ridiculous" thing has tipped you over the edge?
Maybe they’re just not autistic? Tik tok autism - an open discussion
Is it just me or is this only true for NTs/not true for us
My autism program had a culturally insensitive “Chinese new years” event. Need help articulating why it was wrong
What’s the worst thing about being autistic in your culture?
Why don't more men appreciate Austen?
What was the moment you realized you are the weird girl/the one that rubs people the wrong way?
Did you have a single moment of realisation?
Anyone else have a "baby voice" or sound pre-puberty?
Anyone else have ‘a lot of men hate me for no reason’ autism?
Your experience with Sleep Hygiene vs Autism Nests?
People who have/are working toward their PhD and teach-what is your experience?
How long did it take you to complete the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test?
No empathy
Trying to figure out what to do/feel if I don't get diagnosed
Do you prefer in person or online shopping?
I'm on an ssri and I'm scared
Made a site for us.
Which of you always end up doing tasks not the way it's intended?