Released concept art from F4:FS
Favorite movie that's definitely not gay porn?
Iron Fist (Danny Rand) vs. Shang-Chi: Who do you think would win in a showdown? And which comics do they both appear in?
Who is the ugliest Yakuza character?
New Dean Norris Reaction Image Dropped
How well would the Justice League in JLU respond to an Invincible invasion?
I’ll forever be disappointed how the older Marvel movies weren’t connected cause this interaction would’ve been crazy
The Hunter's Life
Suggest me some of best spiderman storyline.
Who's this guy?
You are tasked with totally revamping the Thor franchise in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, how do you pitch the new creative direction?
I thought that Agni and Rudra bodies were headless
What Makes Yamato so Special?
New Poster for the 'Devil May Cry' Show
Jon Bernthal on “Dark” Upcoming ‘Punisher’ Special: “It Will Not Be Punisher-Lite, I Promise You That”
Which Marvel couple is the Freakiest and which is the most normal ?
Outjerked by Offical Marvel YouTube
I loved what the Ultimate Universe did with the Punisher. (Ultimates #10 spoiler)
I just realized, it’s gonna be pretty heart breaking when they realize who Doom is under the mask…
What do they even do?
What did Peter mean by this? Does he like it when Paul makes love to MJ in front of him?
Why is Netflix putting Huel in prison?
PWInsider: Rey Fenix was removed from the AEW website roster today and is now a free agent
Any reason at all to why Kid Kenpachi was above advanced Captain level?