Pot Of Gold %'s Nerfed Already
Anyone get a huge from the clover event yet WITHOUT huge hunter?
Does this level go down every update?
Jaeger black ice?
What is your RANK and PLAYTIME? Do you think your playtime commensurate your rank?
Im new ish and got this first try from a whirlpool. Is this rare or no?
What rank am I?
What Attacker/Defender should I get next?
Where can I find it?
Fisch is officially ruined
can anyone else enchant
How to get this artifact? And where and stuff? Comment below if ya know or something, thank you!
What operator should I get next? I main lesion.
Rate my f2p inventory
how the HELL are yall so lucky?
Super Bowl Giveaway! (Read Rules)
What should I sell it for?
Ive been getting a huge every update atp haha
tickets not working
So they made a bad gadget even worse?
What is your sensitivity
what attack op should i unlock
Who should I purchase next? Console player