BadEmpanada releases his discord logs after becoming mod of the new snark
this mf never shuts up about Ethan oh my god hasan
Another blatant attempt of smearing Ethan Klein from a mainstream outlet linked to Hasan
Hasan said he would watch the Content Nuke with Ethan - good idea for Ethan?
Is this another example of the H3 Curse?
Skill House is delayed AGAIN?!?!?!
Let’s goooo! Support the girlies <3
QTCinderella went on a friend date with Sam to Decoden
E+H synced up coffee slurp
QT & Hasan talk about Ethan on latest Fear& episode
DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD: Selena Gomez Turns On Her Fans & Everyone Is Furious - After Dark #130
She said that his GYAT was so Ohio and Skibidi
bingle seeing
Dream is being accused of grooming and tweeted this out during Friday's show - probably why he didn't wanna be part of the song competition lol
DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD: Was Jordan Peterson Right About Me? & Bad News About Jimmy Lee - H3TV #97
These Twitch streamers are getting out of hand!
Rich lux reacts to Dans Halloween costume and wants to come on the show