The magical Monsters drawing continues! Comment which Monster should i colour next
Everyone Is doing It, i'm doing It too
Meme trovato in un sub americano, ripropongo il trend qui. Io avrei una lampada
Come on, Who should i colour next? but wait...Are frondley's hairs considered moustaches?
Give me a monsters concept art to turn into a real monster (image is an example)
Finally got myself a whale
I just adopted a puppy and a kitten that were abandoned, any ideas on names for these babies?
Aaaand the magicals drawing Is finished! Who should i colour First? (If that guy that REALLY loves gloptic shows up im gonna colour gloptic First)
Why can't I breed the hex?
Dear msm artists, Who's your favourite Monster to draw? I begin
Anybody wants to Jon my tribe
What do you think Mojang is teasing here?
What’s your favorite monster? I’ll go first
Full reveal tomorrow cause i am bored and i have nothing to do
Finished wave two, tell me the Monster of wave three
More Monsters! Wave 2 Is finished! (READ THE LISTTTT)
guess the islands: increasing difficulty
Finished wave One, tell me the Monsters of wave two
Idk how i managed to male all the youtubers but IT'S FINISHED, Now, Who should i colour First (READ THE MONSTER LIST)
Idk how i managed to fit all the youtubers but IT'S FINISHED! now, Who should i colour First?
Opinions on the new pairanormal?
The last wave Will be entirely dedicated on youtuber Valley by Jonas, you can tell me anyone except raw zebra that Is alredy there (Castle bass on raw workshop)
More fanmade Monsters! (Remember the rules: name, Island and creator) try to focus on new Islands instead of more Monsters of the same Islands
Just got my First clowns, help me name them (they're boyfriend and girlfriend)