BFDIA 9 was voted the Weirdest BFDI episode. Now, what’s the Most Forgettable BFDI episode?
Can we talk about how good this final 6 is?
How I would finish TPOT
Why isn't anyone talking about the fact Book is the only one remaining from team BLEH?
Give me your favorite character and I'll rate it. (I also wanted to do mine!!!)
Based on the comments TD won so who was Fan hated and is Fan favorite now
I just watched peak
Thoughts on TPOT 13?
Punk Rock Zombie Computer Game
This is what Mac coming out was like
One mention and you’re out
My reaction watching BFDIA 13
The tree and fanny fans were complaining about their favorite characters being hindered for a few episodes but robot flower has been MISSING since tpot 7!!!
What do you think of the teams?
The obligatory but ever-so-required "Who'd you vote for?" post
Chances of the Exitors joining based on TPOT 11 and what I’ve seen from the OSC
What pet peeves do you have about BFDI?
Is this good?
Best episode in your opinion?
What's he singing?
what's the most underrated song from Disney????
My top 10 how is it?
BFDIA 12 predicted :O
r/BattleForDreamIsland viewer voting #65. Pin is OUT! Winner has immunity! Vote for one of the UFE contestants to leave in part 66! We’re getting close to the end!