Modern Age is the worst Age because it lacks movement
The crisis period doesn't feel enough like a crisis, and it makes age transitions too straightforward
Every path should have (at least) 2 different ways to achieve a golden age for it.
I'm having more fun than I've ever had with civ
Charlemagne in CIV VII is GOATed and it isn’t immediately obvious
Better Bridges - buildable in towns, always functional, automatically upgrading!
If there is one thing that Civ 7 Nailed So F-ing Well: It's the Unique Civics
Love Civ 7… but the reset is a killer for me
Civ VII needs to explain to you why things happen more clearly, and give you actual data and information.
Navigable rivers are great, but i am a bit disappointed.
Civilization VII - 1.0.1 Patch 3
the cycle continues
Font Size doesn't affect Tech/Civic tree tooltips
Playing CIV VII made me realiste how much I dont really liked Civ VI
Don’t crucify me - I’ve figured out why VII feels different, everything’s on rails.
I hated needing to spam missionaries on V, VI and I hate it again on VII
An Oversimplified Building Adjacency Bonus Cheatsheet
It would be really helpful to have buildings be color-coded, or some other way to distinguish them at a glance, because right now there's no visual structure
Increasing text font size just slides text off the screen...
New Mechanics
Treasure Fleets too easy?
Polish site first impressions on Civilization VII. "We are concerned"
Does anyone know the name of Dol Amroth before 1981TA?
Today's Barça from a neutral viewer