difference between vowels in ‘thank’ and ‘cat’
Ask vs. Axe
Quand utilise-tu “de” ou “le”
Is it safe to visit the US while living abroad?
“A” MLB Contract or “An” MLB Contract?
Regarding the pronunciation of weak vowels in American English, do you think this theory provides a good explanation?
What is the precise geographical region of Friday Fish Fry?
Should international bands boycott the U.S.?
Are there still people in the Western states that have a Western accent? What's the ratio?
Who’s been heartbroken more across their franchises history, the Vikings or the Bills?
What area has the worst mosquitos / annoying bugs?
Is there a reason why Anglophones consider [æ] to be closer to [ɑ], but Europeans seem to think of it as an [e]?
As a native English speaker can you pronounce the pure monophthong [e] without saying /eɪ/ ?
If the playoffs started right now, how deep would we go?
Do you really have a "snow day"?
Do people usually use the modal verb "ought to" in real life?
What’s a sorority?
Can anyone help me with the difference between "But" and "And"
what makes a name funny?
What's the difference between a phrase and a sentence?
What retro logo do you prefer? First or second?
Do you know what “the metro” is?
How do you pronounce “of the” and “or” sound in US accent