The Hard Truth: Free Will is Just a Comforting Delusion
The “self”as an aggregate that controls things top-down, doesn’t exist.
Opinions on the book determined
Methodology and Consistency, and Authenticity
Simplicity itself.
We are "squirrels". Causality can be "harnessed" rather than merely suffered, much like gravity can be resisted through evolved faculties.
Nothing in my lived experience suggests anything akin to Libertarian Free Will
On the details of Sam's moral realism
[Incompatibilists] What is the kind/degree of indeterminism required for free will?
Has David written in detail on free will?
Good analogy?
Where do actualists get the non-theoretical conviction that we're free and responsible from?
Free Will against the Progress in Science
What is the libertarian saying?
[Hard Incompatibilists] What kind of agency exists and what doesn't?
Free will lacks any explanatory power that isn't explained more simply by the lack thereof.
Why free will and libertarian free will are conceptually distinct
Is the debate based on the HYPOTHETICAL of determinism?
Are decisions voluntary actions?
Not all decisive experiments are expensive.
What happens to neurons as soon as (just when) life ends?
Is there an approach where I can tell people my views on free will being an illusion and not offend?
Can we will what we will?