Mary as Mom
how do you not compare yourself?
Found a klansmen in Enfield, CT
So you want to text your ex? Leave your message here instead.
Got a response from a new apartment complex I inquired about during construction. In what f*cking world is Groton worth this kind of money?
submariner answer needed
Every damn road in Middletown lately
Do you need an account to watch pornhub?
First night away and I’m a wreck
He said he hates me..
Over and Over
Needing Marriage Advice
Just Feeling Hurt and Needing Advice
Hurt and Betrayed
How to connect with my Samoan culture
Samoan or Polynesian Tattoo Artist
Wanting to Immerse in the Culture
Starting a running team for a fundraiser and need some Catholic team names!! :)
caption ideas? send me some and i’ll <3 u forever. for some background: this was taken in a public restroom and it was abs disgusting BUT the mirror was kinda cool imo
Chime Credit Builder