This little girl arrived today to us. Any tips for a puppy?
First good photobomb.
Help us name him!
You gotta make sh*t whimsical sometimes.
I removed all spiders from the hole because I needed to fill it up. There were like 30 of them
Over 4 month clean, somethings wrong with my dopamine
Male cardinals are beautiful, but I think females have them beat🤷♀️
Drowned Paint
What traumas do you have that AREN'T from your parents or childhood home?
My parents. 1992-2024
First attempt at a 3D embroidery design
My Grandmother around 1960 and a few years ago 🖤
are they fighting or just being dogs
Witnessed a Box Turtle lay 4 Eggs in my backyard. What are ways to ensure safety of hatching process?
Benjamin is still occupying plant pots, still making me jump, and appears to have acquired a friend.
Is kratom the culprit?
What animal laid these eggs ?
We miss our big loader
Do I have any value?
Show me the first picture you took of your Aussie!
14 months clean and I'm currently DYING!!!
Sunset by the backyard pond today.
Found this at the beach today I don’t think this is getting topped
Go and play you little