New box with the old cans still inside (Ardmore, TN)
What’s your favorite energy drink?
Unpopular Opinions
Can only pick one. What are you grabbing?
Will the 2025 Bluecoats be better or worse than the last time they defended their title ( 2017 )?
What would you get?
Sousaphone back problems
Favorite powdered energy?
Having trouble on choosing a Tuba mouthpiece
Pick your small selection choice
What’s your favorite/recommended marching shoe?
Top 5 Shows You Wish You Could See Again Live
Which one y’all grabbing?
Rank check: Rank your top 3 Mountain Dew flavors. Go.
System Blue SB50sp and related Contras?
Got cut from BK, what now?
What do y’all think of Gorilla Mind
YouTube is removing all DCI shows that were ever uploaded due to some copyright thing, but they’re willing to spare one. Which show survives?
Tell me the instrument that you play
Music City January Audition Camp
Im bored
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What’s your favorite “spotted in the wild” moment?
What’s every one Thought on Mtn dew kickstart