🚨Elon Musk says "The reason I’m here is because I’m very worried about America going bankrupt due to the corruption and waste and if we don’t do something the ship of America is going to sink."
Varför envisas vi om att vi har en 8h arbetsdag när vår arbetsdag är 9h?
Will China and the West (without US) relationship strengthen due to the US? And if so, how about Chinas relationship with Russia?
Python in the living room
US sends request for eggs to Norway
Elon Musk: "I’ve never done anything harmful, I’ve only done productive things ... this doesn't make any sense. I think there are larger forces at work ... this is crazy. I've never seen anything like this"
I come from a relatively expensive country and I can't help but feel constantly ripped off and lacking options in Norway
Why was my post removed?
Is Reddit hiding Trump/ Elon posts?
When Did Your Husky Calm Down?
Ciara’s uttalande efter nyhet om skilsmässa
Post the most beautiful photo of your husky/huskies.
Dammit 🔥😤🔥
A child prodigy from India has set a world record. He mentally added up 100 four-digit numbers in 30.9 seconds.
Some Of Jupiters Best Pictures
Someone put a shark statue at the bottom of a lake in Switzerland to scare divers
Rules for EVs in Norway
Serbian police using ‘sound cannon’ against peaceful protesters
Beautiful sunset today
Skrotat tågprojekt ännu dyrare – kostade över en miljard
I got the essential overlanding cosplay accessories
Candy Making with a Candy Puller Machine.
Shotgun drone, Ukrainian Army. 2025.
Far from home and my fuel tank strap broke. How long can I expect this to work?