Dentist PRSI scheme
Experience with Family Braces
Anyone been to central orthodontics in beddington for braces??
How long did it take u? Im scared
I really need help post breakup!!!
Everyone goes through the last text you had with your ex during this time?
Does anyone else feel like COVID stunted them socially
Realising you fucked it up
Can anyone recommend a therapist in Dublin?
The Confusion Between Social Anxiety and Being Introverted
Introversion or Social Anxiety or something else or a combination
What would make a guy say he wished he was in a fraternity?
Frat guys
If you were to eat only one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What are some signs that say, "I'm struggling mentally"?
Does anyone not *want* to move on?
How true is "Men ALWAYS come back?"
I need someone to tell me he won’t be coming back
You dont miss your ex,you miss the feeling and you are probably just depressed/lonely.
Anyone else still feeling pretty heartbroken after a year?
Should I try and get my ex back? Does it ever work?
Struggling with identity
Do they always come back
Happy stories - comebacks
I was doing so well! And now I’m not.