Yellowstone Spin-Off '1923' Breaks Records on Paramount+
Family made up words
What advice would you give someone completely renovating and furnishing a house for the first time?
Anyone know any famous people before they were famous?
When do you finally give up on a car?
What essentials do you keep in the car?
Am I wasting my youth?
What the hell did I just watch?
Changing lanes in my life.
McAndrew Motors, anyone have any experience?
Changing old stereo for a Bluetooth one?
Thats a lot of red.💀 Place your bets...Overkill or Underkill?
Taxi from Dunnes
Limerick Nightclubs?
Weirdest thing an in law said to you?
Catherine O’Kelly
Traditional Irish bread
At what age did you meet your significant other?
Those of you who are in your 20s and early 30s, are you concerned that some of the people around you are settling in relationships and rushing hitting the milestones due to societal pressure?
Wren boys
Mrs Dutton?
Adam and Eve were the first two person according to the bible, next, Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel, botb male, then how did the family continue from there?
Picked up this WIP again after not crocheting for 2 years
If I’d known Aldi’s So Crafty Rainbow yarn was so rough 😩
Figured it out! No more slanting